IceWarp releases

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Deep Castle 2

Deep Castle 2 Update 3 Build 8


2024-05-02, 9x changes

IceWarp Outlook Sync

Fixed Bugs
Fixed an issue with stucked IceWarp features in Outlook Sync (IWS-2527)
Fixed an issue when multiple addresses separated by comma in Forwarder did not work (IWS-2559)
Improved behaviour of handler which caused Matrix index out of array error (IWS-2563)
Corrected behavior of the Outlook rules which caused freezing of the big size mailboxes because the rules were applied to all messages of the mailbox every time the new messages arrived (IWS-2581)
New Features
Improved behaviour for sending emails when specific port for SMTP was occupied on the same machine (IWS-2562)

IceWarp Server

Fixed Bugs
Added support of imapindex conversion and movement between Windows and Linux servers (SV-17279)
Fixed an issue when SMTPCONNECTION.FILENAME was empty which led RAM to run out of memory (SV-16350)
Corrected behaviour of yoda-scan in case of one specific email which caused crashing of yoda-scan (SV-17342)

IceWarp WebClient

Fixed Bugs
Fixed an issue with wrongly displayed body of specific email in WebClient (WC-11726)



Supported systems

Windows Server (2016 or newer), CentOS 7, Rocky Linux 8,9
Outlook Sync (14.1 or newer), IceWarp Desktop Client (9.0 or newer)
IceWarp mobile (5.0 or newer), Authenticator (1.1 or newer)

Supported email clients

Microsoft Outlook 2016 or newer on Windows 10/11

Unsupported email clients

Microsoft Outlook 2013 or older
Microsoft Outlook for Mac
Microsoft Outlook on Windows Terminal Server